
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Data Import Export in Tally 1 to 100 years data in current year

Data Import Export in Tally 1 to 100 years data in current year

Export/Import Data - Masters and Vouchers

मेरी यह पोस्ट में टैली Tally का ऐसा इम्पोर्ट (import -Export )
डेटा की बात करना चाहता हु की आज तक आपने नहीं अजमाया होगा ,
अगर आपको यह जानना है तो ऊपर टैली की इमेज पर क्लिक करके 
मेरा पूरा वीडियो देखिये, जिसमे मैंने दिखाया है की आप पुराने कोई भी
साल  का डेटा नए साल में दाल सकते हो.
100 साल भी क्यों पुराणा  हो डेटा फिर भी आप मेरा यह वीडियो देखकर
सिख जायेगे की नए साल में कैसे डेटा import  होगा?

Data for Export and Import - Masters and Vouchers

With Tally ERP 9 the complete data can be exported from and imported into an entirely new firm with ERP 9. The masters must be exported before the transactions. Make sure F11: The Importing and Exporting Company's Features are the same.


This webpage

  •     masters for export


Master of Export

A company's internal masters can be exported in a variety of formats. The kind of masters you want to export is another option. Tally may import masters that have been exported in XML format.Using the Import Masters feature of ERP 9.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally Display List of Accounts .

2. Click : Export .

3. Press backspace to configure the export options.

● Select the Language .

● Select the Format .

● Enter the Export Location .

● Enter the Output File Name .

● Select the Type of Masters to be exported.

● Set the option Include dependent masters? to Yes .

4. Enable Export Closing Balances as Opening , if required. The Export Report screen appears as shown below: 



export images


5. Press Enter to export.

The exported file is saved in the location specified.

Export Vouchers

Vouchers recorded in a corporation can be exported in a variety of forms. The kind of coupons to export is another option. Tally can import vouchers that have been exported in XML format.Using the Import Vouchers feature in ERP 9.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally Display Day Book .

2. Click F2: Period to change the period.

3. Click : Export .

4. Press backspace to configure the export options.

● Select the Language .

● Select the Format.

● Enter the Export Location .

● Enter the Output Filename .

● Enable the option Open Exported Folder? , if required.

5. Enable the following options, if required.

● Show Voucher Numbers also?

● Show narrations?

● Show bill wise details?

● Show Cost Centre Details also?

● Show inventory details?

● Show additional description of Stock Item?

● Show Bank Details also?

● Show Additional Details?

● Show dependant Masters also?

6. Select the required Day Book entries in the field Select vouchers to show 

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